Tosses its three protagonists on stage like meeples on a board game. The game becomes a methapor for our life. Heteronomous and surrendered to fortune, everyone pursues the goal, which does not offer more than a brief feeling of power and entertainment. Failure and identical endings are both part of the cycle, followed by a new game of the return of the meeples in their box. The play reminds us of daily interpersonal situations of control loss as well as of big politics, where wars are prepared with a joystick and executed like a computer game.
Shell Shocker plays with the struggle to control our own body. Banalities become the enemy and faint the friend of the play. A swaying, surreal Odyssee emerges that connects with the audience in ghoulish, intime and daily recurring moments.
With its production Shell Shocker, PLAN MEE continues its research in the field of social violence and its impact on our bodies.
Choreography / Concept: Eva Borrmann
Dance/ Choreography: Eva Borrmann, Evelyn Hornberg, Johannes Walter
Music: Wolfgang Eckert
Costume: Franziska Isensee
Light: Sasa Batnozic
Photo: Cristopher Civitillo
Video: Alexander Hehn
Coordination: Dörte Kordzumdieke
Assistance: Katharina Simons
Duration: 50 min.
Venue: Tafelhalle Nürnberg, tanz.tausch Köln Alte Feuerwache, Schwere Reiter München (Showing)
Premiere: November 2016
Sponsors: Dieses Projekt wird ermöglicht durch den Bayerischen Landesverband für zeitgenössischen Tanz (BLZT) aus Mitteln des Bayerischen Staatsministeriums für Bildung und Kultus, Wissenschaft und Kunst, Stadt Nürnberg, Tanzzentrale der Region Nürnberg/Fürth e.V. und der Tafelhalle Nürnberg